+64 (0)9 373 4782 studio@smartworkcreative.co.nz

Check out our ebook designs at the couple of links below for Scholastic NZ books now on Amazon.

“Why should I do that,” I can hear you asking.

Well, that’s because we have designed them. Now that’s a big difference from ‘produced’ them. We’ve been blabbing on for ages about how we can ‘produce’ an ebook for you, which, of course we can do. But what we want to do is design an ebook for you.

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When I compare these files with any of the ebooks I have been reading recently, they rock and really give the reader an experience. Judge this for yourself by clicking on the books above and you’ll quickly see the difference.

A reader still wants an experience when they are reading, whether that’s an ebook or a print book. Our aim is to create one for them.

Next — ebook marketing. We’re also working on book trailers and how to get your ebook out there. Design has so moved on from the static image. But a book will always be a book.