+64 (0)9 373 4782 studio@smartworkcreative.co.nz

Organisational learning is changing thanks in part to globalisation and constantly evolving technology.  As we enter this new phase, businesses are having to change and adapt not just externally with clients, but also to a new workforce who are quick to move onto another position if they feel their professional needs are better met.  

Personal vs Professional Goals

The new generation of workers entering the marketplace has dispensed with traditional values based around personal goals, instead finding alignment with organisations that value and adapt to them.  

They are looking to work for companies that create experiences for staff and customers, organisations that will attract their attention, encourage ownership and attach a lifelong commitment to learning.

Learning Analytics

Upfront research to understand what your workforce and client base needs, helps to develop and implement learning solutions that tick all the boxes. Interpretation of data analytics can be used to drive growth and give customers what they want. Engaged workers are more productive and proactive with professional development.  

Those who support online training and development encourage a culture of learning and professional growth. And with the right analytics in place, can also dramatically improve their ROI.

We specialise not only in instructional design and creating memorable, engaging learning solutions, but in helping you discover what it is your employees or members want to gain from their learning.

We can work with you at the onset of the process to analyse your target audience and help set criteria that accurately tracks learning outcomes and proves your investment.

We can use Learning Analytics to

  1. Help predict learners’ performance
  2. Predict which supplementary learning might be helpful
  3. Lead a more personalized learning experience
  4. Increase retention rates
  5. Boost cost efficiencies of learning programmes
  6. And most importantly, improve future courses

Smartwork Creative’s learning architecture aims to create a deeper, more meaningful connection with people. By applying the psychology of learning and interactive instructional methods we can help your organisation form deeper, more lasting connections with customers, employees and other stakeholders to encourage positive, active behavioural change.

Have a learning need for 2019? Contact us about how we can help.

Sounds good? Then get in touch…

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