+64 (0)9 373 4782 studio@smartworkcreative.co.nz

Nature versus nurture.

Do you think employees are more likely to succeed because of who they are, or the environment they are surrounded in?

What about digital talent?

Are some employees naturally better at technology, or is it something that is nurtured over time? If you believe digital talent is an innate skill, you’re out there searching for employees who come fully equipped with all the digital skills your organisation needs.

But, talented workers know that technology is always evolving. They’re looking to stay relevant by being in an organisation who can offer them lifelong training. And that might not be you.

If it’s nurture you believe in, you might expect the education system to turn your workers into digital ninjas. However, universities don’t create the environment workers need to thrive in a digital economy. They’re still catching up to the demands of yesterday’s economy.

Whichever side of the debate you believe in, you’re going to face a dilemma.

You’ll be left scrounging for digital talent.

CEO searching for digital talent

That’s the global dilemma that CEOs are facing.

“50% of CEOs worldwide are struggling to find the digital talent they need for areas across programming, design and data analysis.”

At Smartwork Creative, we’re digital design experts.

We’ll show you how to nurture digital talent into your organisation with these two simple steps:

1. We’ll help you build your own digital talent, starting from the people within your organisation.

2. We’ll help you build a lifelong learning culture so that top employees will want to stay at your company.

But it’s only possible if you believe that growth starts from within.

So, nature versus nurture. What matters most to your organisation?

Sounds good? Then get in touch…

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