+64 (0)9 373 4782 studio@smartworkcreative.co.nz

8–31 May

So much for doing this every week. My good intentions didn’t take long to fly out the window. Although that’s not through laziness but being wonderfully, buzzingly busy. Alistair is keeping those POC’s flying out the window and we are having so much fun wowing clients with them.

Quest Apartments have come on board this month and Aimee has her instructional design hat working out how to bring out the best in their training module.

Dana is lost under a pile of picture books. We hope to dig her out by Christmas as that’s when they will all be in the shops. We can let you in on the secret that Scholastic NZ has some goodies coming out.

Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu (The Correspondence School) have confirmed their NCEA Level 3 subjects with us and the contracts have been flying. All signing on the bottom line has happened and Aimee and JJ are off and racing into another batch. It’ll be a shame to think this might be the last year of this contract as we have really enjoyed working with the Te Kura team.

Which brings me to the wonderful work that our sales team have been doing.

Matt Martin










Matt Martin has been super busy in working with Alistair to sell our virtues to Auckland Transport. The wonderful L&D and HR teams there have asked us to help them with the delivery of their Health and Safety packages, along with Alcohol and Drug policies and Flexible Workforce. Matt is good at opening doors and creating all sort of opportunities for the design team to step in and make real.

Meanwhile Mikael Aldridge has been busy appointment setting and filling in my weeks. The reason we are lucky enough to showcase so much of our work is thanks to Mikael’s dosal tones down the phone, convincing Learning and Development managers that they really do need to see the exciting packages we are creating. This month I’ve visited the Langham Hotel, FMA, Paramount Services and Harrison’s Group, plus as I mentioned earlier we have began working with Quest Apartments. All thanks to Mikael’s hard work.

Now because of these busy chaps Carolyn has needed to find a way a better way of keeping track of our pipeline. After mega research we have adopted Salesforce has our CRM. It’s early days yet and we haven’t fully released it on the team, but fingers crossed it helps to keep everything in line and the pipe flowing.