It has never happened before. Since moving to Auckland we have never had the whole team together, let alone for a party. So this year it just had to happen. Carolyn and Kim finally made it from Christchurch with only a small plane delay which meant that Carolyn had to be very brave and drive the rental car on her own out to Devonport. That first meeting was like greeting long lost friends. She was surprised that Alistair was skinner and shorter that he looked on screen and Dexter was … just as lovely.
After a few drinks ‘looking just like the locals’ in Devonport we all hopped onto the Ferry and explored the big city. We finally settled into the Stables on Elliot Street and had such a fab night. Sangria is now a banned drink from the studio although we all agree it was the perfect way to end a big year.

Dana is looking very comfortable with Anne’s lovely little boy.
From the left: Lauren, Carolyn, Dana and Elena

A line up of trouble, Alistair, Dexter, Steve (he’s a bit like a favourite toy we like to take out with us) and Aimee.

Umm, yes. This was a bit later on.