+64 (0)9 373 4782 studio@smartworkcreative.co.nz


Timaru Boys High School

Client: A purpose built school designed to make the most of today’s modern learning environment.

Product: Branding, press advertising, prospectus, banners, trailer signs, merchandising, billboards, flags, letterhead, business cards, folders and postcards.

The energy and passion of a boys school makes a very special environment that deserves to be embraced and celebrated. The gorgeous young men in the photography created the story that Timaru Boys wanted to tell for their open day marketing through the use of advertisements, banners and a prospectus. Along with the slogan of ‘Enriching Young Men’ Nick MacIvor created the impact that was needed as a new principal breaking into a school with very strong traditions.

The next challenge was to continue the use of the branding throughout the school culture. The use needed to be consistent from press advertising to school notices going home. We worked with the school to put together a package that was centrally available on the school server for use by any staff for print or web material. With all formats being covered and a variety of layout structures there is no need for staff to have to improvise with fonts or colours and a base was established for a clear branding strategy.

To get your school sorted with a consistent branding strategy give us a call and we can help pull everything together.