Scholastic Publishing
Client: The first words on the Scholastic website say it all ‘Helping Children Discover the Pleasure and Power of Reading’.
Product: Children’s Picture Books and Singalong CD
We have enjoyed working with Scholastic for over a decade and have designed over 500 books with their fantastic publishing and editorial team. Each brief comes with it’s own challenges and each cover design requires special attention to appeal to the market it is trying to capture.
Wonky Donkey was a fully rounded project with all the promising challenges of working with a first-time illustrator. The publisher called asking us to visit Katz at her first rough stage. We needed to make sure she was allowing room in her illustrations for the text and that nothing major was dropping into the gutter of the page. The ‘wow’ began from the moment we walked in the door. The illo’s were stunning and the wonderful quirky detail carried on throughout the whole book. We felt this book needed to go the extra mile and researched the perfect texture background to remove the whiteness of the page and blend all the different elements. Katz loved our suggestion of including handwritten lettering and this really helped to pull the whole spread together.
Now five years on, this book is not a stand-alone product: with boxed toy sets and pop-out characters, it’s become a publishing phenomenon that is now travelling the world.

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