+64 (0)9 373 4782 studio@smartworkcreative.co.nz

Bulk re-versioning and production

  The New Zealand dollar is a cost-effective currency for international publishers to get bulk work completed. We run the latest software and have a reputation for being hard-working, innovative thinkers.  Our time difference works well for the US and Australian...

Circles in life

We have just posted off the last parcel to end a 4 year educational project. Our production system shows we have redesigned 214 books, but I know the production system is only 2.5 years old, so that is not all of them. With the help of Peter Bray (who left us some...

Merry Christmas

[template id=”1423″] [divider style=’none’ mt=’-40′] Isn’t this cool, and it’s just one of the many new features our Birkenhead design team can add to your digital books and products. If you have an ipad you can download...

Apps are WOW

Creative Suite has always been the weapon of choice for the work we do everyday and it has just gotten sooooo much better. Using the ebook and digital research we have been exploring recently, we started to see what other sort of publication tools we could play with...